Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Blaugust 3, 2016: As the Song Says

Today’s blaug is written after a day in which I took no lunch break. I am still feeling slightly dizzy. Wheee.

Work! It keeps me fed usually (and frankly I eat a lot). As most of you are aware, I got a full time position at State Flora recently. I’m now Senior Nursery Sales Officer! Cool, huh? This comes after five years as a casual, so you’d think I’d be pretty across everything. Well, mostly I am! But there is definitely a learning curve, and I’m also going through a period of adaptation at home.

At work there are things to learn: Which freight companies to use, how to keep track of all the orders I need to keep track of, better merchandising, what to buy in and when, anything I’d need to do if the boss fell in a hole, and being much more conscious about how to improve the business. All pretty standard stuff really, and I am confident I’ll get there soon.

Today was annoying. Two staff were out doing deliveries, errands, picking plants, and dealing with spot fires. I was looking after the shop, and another staff member was due to join me. But he didn’t. I wasn’t expecting him until ten, gave it until eleven before calling him, and got a call back just before twelve. He’d forgotten, he said. And he asked if he could not come in because he had some work he needed to do. “OK”, I thought, “I’m a big boy, I can run the shop alone, and you can make your own life choices”.

It meant that I was out the front all day, talking to customers and handling the phone. No new stock came out, no orders were picked, and generally a day was lost in every respect other than sales. This means the three full timers will have to focus on that tomorrow, to get it done ahead of the weekend, which in turn means other things get put back. Not ideal.

Our other casual, just the chap to call in such circumstances, is off on his honeymoon. He absolutely deserves a break, as he is extremely hard-working. Not having him around has put a serious dent in our productivity. Come home soon!

On the home front… Previously I had more time off, which was more time to decompress after dealing with other people all day. It was also more time in which to do housework (which I am rather bad at keeping on top of), and more time to cook myself ever-so-slightly-fancy nutritious meals. Since I started in this position I have cleaned slightly less; which is bad. Since starting this position I have cooked slightly less; which is bad. The house is only a tad messier, if I’m honest, but I’ve been eating a lot of pizza, and I have been getting delicious veggie pasties for lunches more often than is strictly good. I am sure that I will settle into more of a routine soon, and I’ll improve in this area. But for the time being laziness rules the day once I get home.

So that’s work at the moment. I’m going to stop rambling now and eat a little fruit for dessert. Hopefully that will restore some sanity and make me feel better, as it takes a while to convert dinner to sugars and my brain needs some after a day with no lunch.

Oh, I'll probably do a quiz tomorrow. Offset with Thom.

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