Friday, 29 August 2014

Blaugust 29, 2014 - Minimum Chips

These Blaugust posts are getting shorter and shorter. I've really been phoning it in of late, probably because we are nearing the end.

One night of decent rest behind me had me feeling a darn sight better today, though I still need to back that up with a second.

The week's work was satisfying, and things were achieved, though I am very much looking forward to the weekend as there is a lot I would like to accomplish for myself, unrelated to work. This weekend I intend to:

- Plant three plum trees in tubs, all with different fruiting times. I love a good sweet plum or prune. I might make it two and an apricot, though. Spread out the fruiting a little more.
- Plant strawberries.
- Pot up more of my natives to grow on. My collection is right out of hand at the moment, and something must be done.
- Paint a witty sign to march with on Sunday.
- Get extra sleep.
- Write some decent final content for Blaugust.
- Issue my orders in the email game of Diplomacy I am playing. Danged Austria has me in the corner and I don't want to lose Bulgaria!

If I get half of that (rather short, I know) list done I will be quite pleased. Onwards!

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